Sharman Quinn & Brodie
“I really hope that my love of dogs and my relationship with Brodie helps children who are nervous around dogs.”
Sharman Quinn, a retired primary school teacher, lives in Bangor, County Down, in Northern Ireland. She’s a PAT Volunteer and makes visits with Brodie, her Australian Labradoodle. “He’s been a PAT Dog for over six years and has the most wonderful temperament,” she smiles. “Brodie, who’s now 11, survived bone cancer last year too, though he did have to get part of his jaw removed. He’s very special, as when my mum died, I used money that she left me to buy him. He’s her last present to me.”
Sharman and Brodie pay weekly visits to Rathmore Primary School in Bangor as part of PAT’s Read2Dogs scheme. “Being a teacher, I’ve always loved spending time with young children,” Sharman explains. “I’ve had experience teaching children with reading difficulties and anxiety about reading out loud. I also taught a child who was elective mute. From my point of view, I feel I am now giving a little back to help overworked teachers.”
Mutual love
At Rathmore Primary School, the PAT Team read with children who have been identified as those who would benefit from Brodie’s visits. “We stay for just over an hour and spend about 15 minutes with each child. He also does a ‘royal walkabout’ to say hello to the other children in the class.
“Everyone loves Brodie and children will often sit and gently twiddle his ears while they read. They’ll share news about their families, friends and pets too. As we arrive in the car park each week, Brodie whines with excitement and can’t wait to get to the classroom. He knows the way.”
Making a difference
Before the visits began, Sharman and Brodie attended Key Stage 1 and 2 assemblies and were introduced to all the pupils. “The children are encouraged to stop and say hello if they meet us in school. And the nursery unit has also requested a visit. It was wonderful to witness the interaction between Brodie and boys and girls who are three and four years old.
“I really hope that my love of dogs and my relationship with Brodie helps children who may be nervous around dogs. I hope to teach them how to approach unknown dogs and how to love and care for their own dog. Lastly, if our visits help the children read with more confidence, then we are doing a good job.”
We are always looking to recruit more volunteers.
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