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Joey’s love for PAT Dog Holly

This #FeelGoodFriday we wanted to share the heart-warming story of Joey, a young boy who has been supported by one of our PAT Dogs, Holly, as he recovered from a life-changing stroke.

Joey's Mum, Karen, wanted to share a few words about her son's journey and Holly's impact:

"Joey had a stroke aged 10, and was left unable to talk, walk and communicate his emotions with us. After a couple of days in ITU and life-saving brain surgery, he was moved to HDU.

On that first day, Holly came to see him and his little eyes lit up! We helped him roll over to stroke her and they’ve been friends ever since. She used to come and visit us on the ward as she knew we’d have dog treats in Joey's locker.

She opened up a part of him we thought he may have lost. We are forever grateful as she gave us something to look forward to."

Thank you Karen and Joey for sharing your story with us. And to all our volunteers around the country - thank you so much for the work you do. It does not go unnoticed by us, or the individuals and their families who you help.

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